Move Over Languishing .. Dysphoria Has Arrived.

The other day, I heard someone use the word "dysphoria" to describe restlessness.

Immediately, I grabbed my phone and looked up the word. I love precision of language.

Here's what it says:

Dysphoria .. a state of dissatisfaction, anxiety or restlessness.
A feeling of being ill at ease.

What a perfect word to describe the state of many people today!

A few years ago, when the global timeout was ending, languishing was our word. It described the melancholic state of low energy that people had when trying to restart their lives.

The biggest gift that the timeout gave us was an opportunity to take stock of what really matters to us.

We stopped running around doing all the things we had become accustomed to and instead got to see what we really didn't love.

Then, when the go-gates opened, people didn't really know what to do and so they languished, hoping inspiration would eventually move them forward.

Now, a few years later, we face a declining standard of living, rising costs,...

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