Let's get you FLOWING!

Turn ambition into results.




Let's get you

 Turn your blocks into flow.


What blocks us from reaching our goals?

 What blocks ambitious and visionary women from reaching their goals?


Doubt and fear blocks us.

One minute we're on-fire confident.

The next, under a blanket hiding in Netflix.

We know we've got what it takes.

Yet, life is full of triggers that trip us up.   

Hi, I'm Angela 

I train the ambitious and visionary, teaching them to embrace their critical mind and guide it into peak performance flow.

In flow, doubt and fear go silent,
time bends and epic results land.

Heightened focus and inspiration drive the mind and body into wild creativity, bang-on intuition and phenomenal productivity.

My clients learn to truly love all parts of themselves and face all aspects of their lives while they perpetually improve, make an impact and enjoy beyond imaginable results.

My Story ... 

Born with a hypersensitive nervous system, I coped by trying to micromanage every aspect of my life, hoping to eliminate the unknown.

Years of hyper-vigilance left me exhausted and realizing that I had to face what I feared the most.

When fear of staying stuck ..
grew stronger than my fear of the unknown .. I changed.

An adventure began that has forever improved me .. and shaped how I do everything today.


My story ... 

Born with a hypersensitive nervous system I coped by trying to micromanage every aspect of my life, hoping to eliminate the unknown.

Years of hyper-vigilance left me exhausted and realizing that I had to face what I feared the most. 

When fear of staying stuck .. grew stronger than my fear of the unknown .. I changed.

An adventure began that has forever improved me and shaped how I do everything today. 

I walked straight into the unknown.

I left a 6-figure corporate career and a 26-year marriage to travel the world and break limits.






As I explored, I trained ..

Mindset. Meditation. Breathwork. Neuroscience. Neuro-feedback Brain Training. Kundalini Tantra Yoga. Energy Healing. Conflict Resolution. Plant Medicine. Explosive Sexual Healing .. and more.

In every modality and every teacher training, I found the common thread that connects it all. 

I found FLOW.

Flow is a state where the energy looping in our struggles is freed to fuel us into solutions and greater awareness.

We snap into presence and become one with our actions.

Then we discover, innovate, create and become insanely productive.

Everything improves.

Mind Gets Clear

  • Learn to observe
  • Become neutral and calm
  • Self love and compassion grow
  • Focus and concentration heighten
  • Clarity sharpens
  • Confidence soars
You're focused.

Body Opens

  • Learn to breathe and relax 
  • Self-regulate nervous system
  • Release emotions and trauma
  • Clear programs and patterns
  • Increase vitality and passion
  • Optimize habits
You're energized.

Soul Leads

  • Intuition is clear and heightened
  • You embody and become present
  • Synchronicities increase
  • You trust the timing
  • Aha's and creativity peak
  • Results are beyond brilliant
You're inspired.

What clients say.

What clients say.

Dr. Mickra Hamilton

CEO Apeiron Center for Human Performance

"Angela's mastery is unsurpassed. Her knowledge of our complex human system and its interaction with self, community and the greater global system at large is leading edge.

Her pure presence and deeply embodied awareness of FLOW creates powerful strategies to evolve us to enhanced levels of integrated performance."

Christine Kane

Author of The Soul Sourced Entrepreneur, Soul and Strategy Coach, Founder & CEO of Uplevel You

"Angela is my secret weapon.

Most people don't realize that truly successful entrepreneurs have people like Angela in their boardroom. 

Angela knows that brain balance, energy and congruence are vital to how we show up and what we can bring to the table.

I've experienced her 1:1. Angela and her FLOW teachings are now an integral part of retreats with my clients."

Jenn Kloberdanz

Founder Essential Nutrition and Personal Training, Nutrition and Epigenetics Coach

"I am no stranger to making changes when I need to. What I didn't know before working with Angela and learning to FLOW is that it doesn't have to be so hard

Learning to lean in to the struggle, instead of push against it, has been the missing piece in my journey.

Angela is a phenomenal teacher."

Flow is the
Most Important
Mindset Training
of our time.

Discover what Flow Training can do for you.


Flow for Women